sexta-feira, março 27, 2009

Vou ver o mar...

...talvez volte.

I am the man from the planet Marzipan
Good to see you
My eyes are screwed up tight, unaccustomed to the light
And all my arms and all my legs are much too long
Much too long

My head is in a state, unaccustomed to the weight
I wear this mild expression, I'm an alien to aggression
Music only does me in my skins so thin

There’s so much that I can’t take in
There’s so much that I can’t take in
There's so much that I daren't take in
Can you feel through my skin to me?
Can you feel through my skin to me?

Throw a tarpaulin over me
I look like a rotary washing line
I am the face of 2069
I have trouble with my breathing
My net-curtain lungs
And the thoughtlessness of other people's careless tongues
The air's so thin
Oh my skin
The air's so thin
Oh my skin

I am the man from the planet Marzipan
My eyes are screwed up tight, unaccustomed to the light
I wear this mild expression, I'm an alien to aggression

The air's so thin
Oh my skin
Oh my skin..

I'm so close..
I'm so close to a breakdown
A constant crisis in my heart

What the hell is going on here?
Earth creatures. Amazing, beautiful and mad.
Monkeys trying to be stars
Monkeys carrying their Gods around
Lies and murder in the name of heaven
Seen it all before in the kindergartens of the Universe
It would be quaint if it wasn't so damned scary

I can’t listen and I can’t watch
I can see inside the machine
I can see the join! I can see the join.

Can you feel through my skin to me?
Can you see through my skin?
It's all here in my skin, you see
It's all here in my skin,
Here in my skin!

If you really look
It's a nursery book.

5 passageiros clandestinos:

Blogger Smootha chamou a hospedeira e disse:

Não gosto de "talvez" nem de bold...

11:49 da tarde  
Blogger nina chamou a hospedeira e disse:

I'm Look[book]in'at You!

3:40 da manhã  
Blogger Piloto Automatico chamou a hospedeira e disse:

Voltei ...ía sendo levado pelo vento!

4:28 da manhã  
Blogger By myself chamou a hospedeira e disse:

Ah, com...voltaste. É que eu ís escrever:
- Astreve-te Asdrubal..


3:31 da tarde  
Anonymous Deusa chamou a hospedeira e disse:

Cá para mim foi mais que o Mar que te fez ir, e foi mais que vento que te fez voltar.
Ainda bem que voltaste.

3:35 da tarde  

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